This is an embarrassingly bad and unfunny short from Charley Chase's last years. While he made a lot of wonderful shorts for Hal Roach Studios, his final few years before his untimely death were spent at Columbia making shorts that ranged for enjoyable to wretched. I count this among the wretched.
When the film begins, a bunch of L'il Abner-like idiots from the hills learn that a new teacher is coming to their crappy village. However, they LOVE being ignorant and plan on driving away the new school master. Considering he's coming to live with them, this shouldn't be too hard.
The film is chock full of unfunny and nasty stereotypes about folks who might be referred to as 'Hillbillies'. If it was nasty yet funny, I could have stood all the moonshine, gunfire and ignorance jokes. But, it just wasn't funny and abounded with very broad humor--so broad even the Studio's stars, The Three Stooges, would have refused to make such a bad film!!!