"The Vanishing Prairie" is an old nature documentary from Disney that just debuted on Disney+. I enjoyed watching it very much, though the quality of the print is surprisingly poor. It's a bit fuzzy and faded...but not so much you shouldn't see it. It's not nearly as nice to see as Disney's newer nature films....though I could look past this.
The film focuses on the center portion of the United States...between the Eastern and Central portions of the country and the Rocky Mountains. Much was filmed in and around Yellowstone National Park, as many of the animals couldn't be found elsewhere in the 1950s. Featured are mostly mammals (both predators and non-predators) but you'll also see a few clips of birds and fish.
So is this worth seeing? Yep. The narration is generally good, the footage sometimes amazing and one of my only complaints (aside from the print) is the 'funny' music they sometimes used. I would have just preferred no music at all in some cases.