Evading a manhunt three escaped convicts takeover the home of Jack Kelly and Hildy Parks and their two small children. The three are John Cassavetes, Vince Edwards and David Cross are about as mean a trio you'll find on film. It's also
apparent that Cross is playing way out of his league with the other two.
It's an open hostage situation meaning that the trio really has no fixed plans what they are doing next which is
worse for the hostages because they have no idea when or if they'll be free.
Especially bad for Parks because Edwards is getting ideas about her.
The husband and wife team of Andrew an Virginia Stone present this film in a fine
and realistic documentary style. The film benefits from the fact that Kelly, Cassavetes, and Edwards were not
any kind of names yet on the big or small screen. And Hildy Parks was primarily a New York actress
The film compares well with The Desperate Hours which had a lot of big name players in it. While The Desperate Hours has a lot of style to it The
Night Holds Terror far more realistic.
This one is a real sleeper, catch it if possible.