"Greyfriars Bobby" is a Disney live action film that is based on the real life dog, Bobby...who was a very odd dog to say the least! Like the beloved Japanese dog, Hachiko, Bobby's owner died and the dog refused to get on with its life...choosing instead to spend it's days at his master's grave. In fact, following the mans' death, the dog continued this routine for 14 years!! Talk about tenacious...and maladjusted! Regardless, it makes a dandy and very sentimental film, one which is best watched with a box of tissues nearby!
So what did I like about the film? Well, most everything. The cinematography was unusually good for a Disney movie--really gorgeous and artistic. Also, having two distinguished British actors in the lead, Donald Crisp and Laurence Naismith, sure helped.
A few things to note: First, if you visit Edinburgh you can see the sites in the movie. In fact, you can not only visit the pub and cemetery but you can also see the monument marking the grave of Bobby...just outside the church (kirk) gate. Second, the adorable dog which plays Bobby is said to be a Skye Terrier but looks nothing like a modern Skye Terrier. This is because nutty dog breeders have done a lot to change the look of MOST breeds in recent years. If you went to a dog show in the mid-1800s, you'd have a hard time recognizing most of the breeds. There has been that much manipulation of the genes in recent years that you'd barely recognize them.