'Back Door to Hell' is much better war film that one can expect from low budgeted B-movie. Little rough on the edges, but well put together with good story, enough tension and enough meaty characters to care for till to the end. The big battle in the end is cut together from stock footage, but that shouldn't come as a big shock.
Three men reconnaissance unit with hardened cynical sergeant Jersey (John Hackett) and philosophical wise cracker Burnett (Jack Nicholson) led by lieutenant Craig (played by pop singer Jimmy Rodgers who also was one of the financial backers), are on the mission in Luzon, Phillipines to gather information about the movements of Japanese troops prior to American invasion. Team must meet with guerrilla leader Miguel, but they find new leader Paco (Conrad Maga) instead, and learn that Miguel has been killed off by Paco himself. No certain explanation is given, except Paco's ambiguous answer, that you can't trust people during the occupation.
'Back Door to Hell' is not your typical anti-war film, nor 'we are the awesome heroes' type action piece. The film has a little existential and philosophical point of view, but it rather just depicts the war and its horrors. All this is enlivened by the location of Philippines.
The film didn't get much praise upon its release, and it is rather forgotten today, except when someone points it out as one of the earliest roles of Jack Nicholson (whose performance alone is definitely the reason to check out the film). But there are much more in that film. You can say that 'Back Door to Hell' is a film with personality.
Many great lines come from Jack Nicholson's character, but my favorite one is his answer to Jersey, when he asks: "We're all gonna die anyway - tomorrow, next week, 30 years from now. Did that little thought ever penetrate your thick skull?" And Burnett retorts: "Yeah, once when I was a boy, but naturally I dismissed it as being too outrageous."
P.S. Can anyone confirm, was it Japanese/American character actor Mako Iwamatsu in the role of captured Japanese soldier?