Personally I usually do not like episodes where Daffy Duck is annoyingly cruel, but I was very impressed with this one. In "Ali Baba Bunny" are surprises, very good gags and jokes and a theme that works well. The animation and lines from Daffy were also impressive and I did not begin to mind too much that he was, as he phrased it himself, "a greedy slob" in this episode.
The episode begins with Ali Baba closing the cave to the well-known Arabian treasure. He tells his guard, Hassan, to guard the cave well and goes off on his very small camel. What Hassan was not expecting was a black duck called Daffy and a grey bunny called Bugs to come up from underground into the cave. Bugs Bunny is beginning to become worried when he realises he is not where he wanted to be, but Daffy is perfectly happy to stay where he is and be "comfortably well off"...
I recommend this episode to anyone who likes a good laugh, for anyone who does not mind a greedy black duck and for anyone who likes Looney Tunes in general. As bobthemoo proves (he is a Looney Tunes fan, by the way people), not every Looney Tunes fan will enjoy this, but I say this episode is worth a try. Enjoy "Ali Baba Bunny"! :-)