This is one of THE perfect "drive-in movies"! It's really "neat-o" to see the 50's as they actually WERE, not as TV shows like "Happy Days" pretends they were like!
This film abounds with humorous (& unintentionally humorous!) scenes; I guess you could say "it's so bad, it's GOOD", GREAT!
The film brings back the hot-rodders, malt shops, & the twangy guitar music of the 50's.
The slumber-party scene was a "gas"! The Old Man goes outside and finds a couple doing some heavy necking. They quickly break up, and the boy says, "we were just going out for some 'fresh air', sir!", to which the old man replies, 'where did you think you'd find it? Down her THROAT?!".
Other amusing moments are ridiculous appearances of the "ghost" (wearing a costume right out of "She Demon"), and the "spook party"!
One amusing thing is the newspaper reporter saying (to the old man) "everything is so fast-paced today; kids have to grow up in a hurry, 'cos there might not BE a Tomorrow!" (Referring to the A-bomb). Kinda funny, when you consider those "idyllic times"!
It's a VERY rare film: Go see it, Daddy-o!