Sometimes Hollywood makes bad casting decisions, casting an actor or actress who, no matter what they do, could never be believable in the role. For example, in 1970's Ryan's Daughter, Robert Mitchum was cast as a man so sexually unfulfilling that his wife cheats on him. It's just not believable. And, in 1972's King, Queen, Knave, Gina Lollobrigida cheats on David Niven and has an affair with her nephew-in-law, John Moulder-Brown. He's a bumbling, mumbling fool, and David Niven is a stud who exercises every night before bed. The basic premise of this movie doesn't really make any sense.
However, if you can suspend your disbelief, it's actually a funny movie-in a quirky, seventies way. Everyone knows the seventies were weird, and this movie doesn't hide it. There are parties, uses of recreational substances, lavish costumes and wigs, a free-love attitude, and group sex. So, know what you're getting into with this movie, and if it sounds like something you could get a good laugh out of, you'll probably like it. I still maintain that anyone who cheats on David Niven should have her head examined, let alone choosing someone so ridiculous for her lover. If you agree with me, I'm sure you'll get some semblance of satisfaction from the famous bathtub scene: The Niv isn't exactly a faithful husband, and he has a threesome with two beautiful babes. It's actually a really funny scene, one of the only scenes in the film that's totally believable.
I'm about to write something weird, but since the entire movie is weird, I feel justified. Even though Gina and Niv aren't really paired together romantically, they make a very attractive and well-suited couple onscreen. They have similar interests, the chemistry of their banter sparkles, and they're easily the best looking couple at the party.
Another reason-albeit small-why I liked this movie is the family dog. A beautiful, award-winning, statuesque Dalmatian pals around with Gina and Niv in several scenes, and he is gorgeous and very well trained. That breed is one of my favorites, and it's adorable to see him follow Gina as she paces or give The Niv a big kiss on the lips. How darling is that? So, if you want to see The Niv with a beautiful dog, a beautiful wife, and two babes in a bathtub, there's only one movie where you'll find all three: King, Queen, Knave.
Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to nudity and sex scenes, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.