This film essentially begins with two attractive young ladies named "Anne Carr" (Mary Ann Mobley) and "Helen Todd" (Lana Wood) moving in with their friend "Nydia Walker" (Ann Elder) who lives in an apartment complex that rents exclusively to singles. Quite naturally, with so many young single people of both genders congregating in the same area, there is quite a bit of dating and romance going around. So much so that Anne initially becomes so annoyed with men trying to pick her up that she is secretly given the nickname of "Old Ironsides" by some of her male suitors. This, in turn, leads a couple of them to offer a wager to their friend named "Bret Hendley" (John Saxon) that he cannot seduce her within a week. Needing money, Bret reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile, Helen has also attracted the notice of a rather wealthy man by the name of "Gerald Pryor" (Peter Mark Richman). However, unlike Anne, Helen welcomes this attention. However, with this attention also comes an intense jealousy from Gerald's current girlfriend "Lily" (Chris Noel) who is quite determined to keep him at all costs. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this comedy started off rather light and breezy and, along with several attractive women there to further enhance the scenery, it seemed to have all of the ingredients necessary for a decent comedy. But then it took a very dark turn at the end which totally ruined the overall effect. That being said, I'm honestly not sure what the director (Arthur Dreifuss) or his people were thinking, but one thing I can say is that this specific scene was definitely not funny and had no business being included in a comedy. But that is just may opinion and others are free to disagree. Be that as it may, I didn't care for this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.