Nominally, this is a movie about a quaint town in Poland where the local communist party hack lobbies to bring a chemical factory to town.
He uses dubious photos of impoverished locals to convince his fellow local party flunkies that the town desperately needs jobs. Then he brings in the regional party hacks for lobbying, and has a bunch of locals stand outside the offices to show their support for the factory (it's implied they were actually told it was a demonstration AGAINST the factory).
And on it goes like this, with our main character being appointed from out of town, against his wife's wishes, to head up the project.
The project bulldozes a forest. The party flunkies condescend to the locals, with their social and ecological concerns. Our main character expresses his misgivings. But at no time does the project - a nitrate factory - ever slow down. It's all in service of The Party, you see.
The amazing this is, however, is that the theme of this movie transcends its time and place.
Think about Your Town, where the local billionaire sports team owner paid off the local town council so he could bulldoze a few downtown city blocks, get a new arena/stadium built at taxpayers' expense, and then spread the manure of ''revitalization" to sell the concept to the locals.
Billionaire gets richer. Councillors put their kids through college. Contractors get rich. Tradesmen get jobs for a couple of years. Poor people stay poor. And the town is left to clean up the social and ecological long-term damage.
Today, towns and states rush to built light rail transit projects. Rinse and repeat.
There's no ranting and raving or pounding of fists. No car chases or gun play. Just a man trying to navigate his way through a system. The genius is that this system persists everywhere, across all ideologies.
The director himself might have thought he'd made a bad film. Maybe in the immediate aftermath, with ambitions to do more polished work, he was justified in his self-criticism. But with the perspective of 50 years I'd say he turned out a timeless masterpiece. It makes anything cranked out by serial polemicist Michael Moore look like cheap home-made fluff by comparison.