Well as always, no pun intended! And I obviously mean to train, rather than the means of transportation. In case you were not sure, what I meant with "Pun" in that case. But this is not really moving away from the one location it centers around. Shaw Brothers were turning those movies out in a pace, that would make your head spin.
The running time of this is a bit too much too by the way. Could have done with a bit of trimming. That said, the cast is amazing, the fighting (and training) scenes are really well shot. And it all makes sense in the end ... not everything can be resolved in the best manner - and sometimes you may wonder if less violence would be better - but these movies are done for entertainment purposes. And the weapons are quite clearly plastic - something that has not aged well .. everything else ... really good. Maybe too good when it comes to picture quality - Arrow Films outdid themselves once again ... and included the original untouched version of the movie too ... your choice! Lifetime and all that - dedication too.