One of the most notable reviewers on this site condemned "La nuit de Varennes" to 2,5 stars (out of 4), but I am of the opinion that this movie should be appreciated better : there are not so many cinematic works in our times that are carried by such valuable concept,i.e. that preach and teach dignity and tolerance opposed to a laudable but often misguiding need to serve some higher principle. "Idiocy is the worst of treasons. - And no revolution will ever stop it." In Scola's historical comedy of manners, thoughts and emotions, Barrault's Restif is the key figure which spans a bridge between humble vox populi of Thomas Paine and aristocratic grandeur of Casanova. Watching this movie I felt like the spirit of wiser old Europe (which is still there, thanks to Scola a.o.) entered the body of Robert Altman's shape. French blu-ray with English subtitles is to be treasured.