The Scooby-Doo series takes another installment change with The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show. In an improvement from the previous incarnation where much of that show's seasons centered toward basic cartoon fare with Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy only, the mystery-solving and ghost-catching elements are back with this series. In another redemption, the character of Daphne returns, instantly reminding you of the heyday of Scooby and the entire Mystery, Inc. gang.
While the episodes contain two-stories in one rather than one entire chapter, the show is still quite entertaining with its laughs, jokes and mystery-solving adventures. It's nice seeing Daphne take the driver's seat of the Mystery, Inc. van, and her pairing up with Scrappy in the investigation scenes. Scooby and Shaggy continue their hilarious scenes together.
The suspense and excitement levels found in the shows where the entire Mystery, Inc. gang were featured are still scarce and Fred and Velma are still sorely missed, but, this series installment is a vast improvement over the previous incarnation and more entertaining.
Grade B