Deadly Force is an action thriller, but with a twist that I like. I can't believe the bad rap this film has got. This film really has a story to it. At the request of a friend, who's daughter is the latest victim of the X killer, a motiveless madman, who leaves a X marked across the victim's foreheads, ex cop Hauser in top form, returns to his old battleground in L.A. He receives a not so welcoming reception, from some of his old acquaintances, including his ex, a successful news reporter, covering this story. It isn't long before Wings is pushing this guy's buttons, in one thrilling scene he's nearly taken out by this nut, while lazing in a bath. But there appears to be more deadlier forces at play here. We too are a granted a little hot sex scene that Hauser and his better half, starkers, makin' out, amidst the madness. Hauser's character here as a lot of his other characters, is intriguing as it is ambiguous. We want to know more about him. He's a wild card, a good cop thrown off the force before he wouldn't play by the rules. Him and his old black superior, Hoxley, clash many times. After all, next year is an election year. He really has it in for Hauser, even going to the point, of tipping one of his ex con enemies off, whose been promised a split of reward, if he catches this fruitcake. This film has enough action for the serial killer/cop thriller fan and Hauser's screen presence is one great reason to watch this. Remember he did start out on The Young And The Restless. The violence is surprisingly tame, but wit Hauser in the lead, and on the chase, it makes the whole movie worth it. Underrated. A compelling watch.