Not great but nowhere near as bad as some gear say. How could a movie that came out when this movie came out get hammered by someone as dated, it's 30 + years old of course it's not up to date in any part BECAUSE it's 30 fricken years old. Even a 30 year old Sci Fi movie is dated that is of course if Pan Am is doing daily trips to the moon and we have archeologists on Saturn digging up slabs that portend our past and future like 2001 a space odyssey. Would anyone say that's dated. And I'm not saying you can compare this to that because as most people know that is one of the most boring movies that have no plot this is just an old movie with huge gaps in the plot. I never talk about details of movies I talk about and as you see I don't call this a review. And most discussion about movie I do usually takes issue with other people and what they think. Childish probably, but I don't think when you're some Bozo who believes himself (herself) to be a closet movie expert to tell people what to watch and why you should not watch, I rip movies all the time but try to show that this is why I didn't like it on a personal scale. I I'm watching a 30 year old movie I'm not going to rip it because of that and not sure why anyone else would. No one seeing an Ed Wood film when it was released in the 50s would ever believe how many people would for whatever reason love watching his movies. And I truly like this movie it's small it's plot is not what you would expect and the ending surprised me. Watch it knowing it's not the greatest movie ever made and if you watch it knowing you will not recognize anyone and at time lighting is bad and dialogue is a little annoying muddy but this should all be things you should know already.