The "Boogens" are scaly monsters that look somewhat like giant turtles with lots of sharp, nasty teeth. They are released from an abandoned, boarded-up silver mine in Colorado and proceed to do away with character after character. Only one homeless, seemingly pointless knows how to stop them.... I first saw "The Boogens" when I was 10 or 11. Loved it then, loved it now. Sure the plot is nothing new but it's fast paced,well-acted, suspenseful, and humorous. it kind of reminds me of "Tremors" in that it doesn't take itself too seriously but boasts some genuinely suspenseful scenes and slings a little bit of gore in our face. Sure once the boogens themselves show up they're nothing flashy but the director maintains tension (And wisely shows only the boogen's tentacles throughout most of the film)and the ending seems a bit rushed but I still had a blast watching it and re-living a piece of my childhood while doing so.If you liked this film, I recommend you see "The strangeness" a low-budget flick which is also about a tentacled-monster haunting a long-abandoned mine. It was clearly inspired by this film. A classic piece of 80's cheese recommended for horror fans!