This was a great show. The series was a sequel to the theatrical film of the same name, although with entirely new actors. The episodes focused on Paul Forrester "Starman" and his 14 year old son Scott Hayden, in their quest to find Scott's mother Jenny Hayden. Constantly on their tail was federal agent George Fox, seeking to capture them. Most episodes showed how Starman learned not only about living on Earth, but about being a father to Scott. There were some genuine touching moments as they both loved and lost, and always had to move on to another location. Although a sci-fi series, the episodes all had human interest stories.
Today's sci-fi shows are all about special effects and gore. No sci-fi show comes close to being what Starman was. It's a shame that this series isn't on DVD. Since it only ran one season and the studio that owns the rights seems to have an aversion to 80's shows, it most likely never will. If the sci-fi channel ever shows the reruns again, and you've never seen this show, tape them and watch them with your family. There is no gore and almost no violence. This a family viewing series.