I watched this when I was a 11 year old boy, I caught up with it again 30 years later and was pleased with how much I could remember.
Some good casting certainly benefited this show; David Thewlis (of Harry Potter fame) plays the endearingly dippy Max, Ken Jones (Porridge) plays his curmudgeonly godfather Tom and Liz Smith (who adds value to anything she appears in) plays Mrs. Giles, a batty old lady (a style of character of she would be better known for playing in the Vicar of Dibley and the Royle Family).
The first series has two main themes: Max's burgeoning romance with the character of Claire (Katy Newell) and Mrs. Giles (who Tom lodges with) mistaking Max for her long lost grandson Billy, which results in Max getting preferential treatment over Tom.
On top of this there is the character of Bodie, played by Andrew Peacock (who has made lots of varied TV appearances, but I will remember him best for an appearance in the Young Ones and the B & Q adverts). Bodie is an overzealous park warden and the way he speaks is reminiscent of the late great Harry H. Corbett. The character works, but doesn't really play a major part in the two main story lines.
The whole Billy story line was by far the funniest thing about the first series, so it came as a disappointment when it abruptly comes to an end at the beginning of the second series. I would imagine this was to centralise proceedings at the park rather than Mrs. Giles's house, but I still think it was a big mistake. The second series disappointed in other ways, the Max and Claire story doesn't really go anywhere and the problems/challenges Tom has to contend with at the park aren't of much interest.
So in summary, a very funny first season with strong comedy dynamics, the second season a more lacklustre affair.