A late 80's action thriller that has a yuppie insurance salesman visiting a housing project apartment building in New York at night. While in the building to collect a premium he has a mishap with a gang member from a group that all themselves The Vampires. This sets off a war between the gang and the tenants in a place the police won't go.
This flick was awesome. The Vampire gang was led by a young, skinny Tony Todd which he did just after Platoon. I met Tony Todd a couple years ago and meant to ask him if he had this on DVD because he did tell me he collects DVDs and I've never seen an official release of this one yet.
As well as Tony Todd you have Ray Parker Jr. helping the insurance guy get out of the apartment alive and playing a Vietnam vet in a wheelchair was Jan-Michael Vincent kicking ass. The film reminded me of Tenement: Game of Survival (1985) which the writer probably watched with elements of Assault On Precinct 13. The tension just keeps building in this one. An enjoyable film that's not too heavy.