Not as bad as all that. The film had more plot than a lot of such offerings. Yes, it is a sign of Lou Diamond Phillips' narcissism, but hey, if you get to write, star in, and direct, why not. I thought Kate Vernon seemed a bit young to be so successful, but they did need a hottie for the role. And after so many years of triple-D mounds of silicone on-screen, it was refreshing to see Ms. Vernon proudly baring beautiful, but normal-sized boobies on film. Some people seem to thank that LDP mis-cast himself in this, but I think that the biggest casting goof was Max Gail as the mob boss. He still exudes the air of earnest goofiness that I remember from when he played Wojciehowicz on Barney Miller. I suppose that even Lou Diamond Phillips could see that, and there must be more to the casting that I am missing. Deliberate irony? In any case it backfired. But really although this film is far, far from great, it isn't that bad. Doesn't deserve a 2.4 rating.