Rosanna Arquette is at her MOST appealing in this film. I've been infatuated with her ever since she made a guest appearance in a dream I had years ago. Set in Paris, this predictable little love story/comedy is a nice diversion. It's warm and cuddly (in the romantic parts anyway). The supporting cast helps A LOT to hold "Sweet Revenge" together.
I just realized a common thread to another movie I commented on, "Garbo Talks". Carrie Fisher plays an assertive, aggressive (nee bitchy) soon-to-be/and ex-wife in both. She gives a remarkably scary performance as the angry woman in both. Her character in "Sweet Revenge" is much more multi-dimensional. She is allowed to be pitied at times and redeem herself somewhat at the end. But, I still wouldn't mess with her (movie or real world).