I came into viewing this film expecting at least something on par with BURIAL GROUND or NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES, but what I ended up seeing was even worse than REDNECK ZOMBIES. Like REDNECK ZOMBIES, this film was made on a poor-quality VHS camcorder and looks in. The actors act (and look) terrible as shooting on video is not the most forgiving medium. The movie is almost impossible to watch given that the creativity behind it is low and the attempts at humor usually fall flat. Everything is drenched in the ceaseless cheap gore, which looks more like Tomato juice than anything else. The horrendously awful dubbing is almost as bad as in COSMIC SPACE NINJA 2: ESCAPE FROM CHERNOBOURG (and in that movie it was intentional). They even have an obvious black man's voice for a very little white man character.
Sure it's so bad it's funny for about 5-7 minutes, but after that you will really wonder why you put down good money for this or bothered watching it. It's not a zombie epic so much as yet-another non-budget shot-on-vidio disaster that only got widely recognized because its director released a lot of his other similar films as 'death' videos to be put in the adult section of mom&pop video stores across America. Be warned, as they're not really any better than your usual student film or wedding video.