One of the most unique comedies on TV, Remember WENN is a sentimental journey through pre-WWII Pittsburgh radio. With writing and original music from Rupert Holmes and a cast of stage veterans, the show has class, style and a heart. One-liners zing past faster than flaming arrows, but the show is always character-specific and actually gives the audience a plot. Because the show does not follow the guidelines of typical network sitcoms, it may take awhile for the viewer to adjust. The entire cast has almost too much talent for the cold medium of television (most notable: Christopher Murney and Melinda Mullins). Episodes not to miss: On the Air (premier), World of Tomorrow, Close Quarters, Who's Scott Sherwood, From the Pen of Gertrude Reece (a Casablanca send-up), If I Die Before I Sleep, and All's Quiet on the Pittsburgh Front. (finale).