That line, said by the "tuff, kewl homeless kid" Zeke pretty much sums the movie up.
As every review mentions, the titular uncle doesn't interact with anyone until the 1 hour 19 minute mark, before that he is seen in only a few scenes, which is a shame because the animatronics on him are way better than I was expecting. When he speaks however he will drive you up the wall, they gave him a raspy old woman voice and he ends every sentence with "mmm" or "ohmm".
It's clear they had a low budget, but when you market your film as an ET-type movie, kids will expect the actual alien, not a lame kidnap movie. The filmmakers should have chosen one genre to stick with. If they went the kidnap adventure type they could have had a bit more money for set pieces with the saved money on no animatronic alien.
Instead, we have a uneven curio that while it will draw viewers in with its oddball title and hilarious cover, it's destined to disappoint.