Yup, you're probably wondering about the name. Nope, it's NOT a transvestite or homosexual film! It's more wacky fun from the "Body Horror" genre. Triple H (no, not the wrestler) is Category 3 at it's best (or worst, whichever the case may be). It's ingredients are: one part porn movie, one part Kung-Fu Theatre, one part cheezy B action flick, and one part TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Well, how can you go wrong with that, huh?! Basic storyline... a group of gangsta's help to supply a shoe store with a new fantastic line of special imported leather. The reason it's so special is because it's made from human skin! Anyone's a potential victim but they prefer young men and women. Softer and more elastic, I guess. If they catch ya, they'll kill ya, cut ya up, and skin ya for shoe leather. But not only that, there's scenes a-plenty of rape, murder, exploitation, and foul behavior that can only be seen as totally vile, totally loathsome, and just down right nasty. One in particular involves a picture of a woman's face with her mouth cut out taped to a live duck ass-end up. I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks of that story. And one thing I just couldn't quite understand, if you love someone, why would you want to urinate on them the first chance you get them alone? Like I said before, just plain nasty. Movies like this could give China a really bad name.