Well, the movie is based on the character created by the writer Luis Fernando Verissimo, born in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, and not by Miguel Paiva. Actually, Paiva made the Ed Mort's cartoon, but the character and texts are made by Verissimo. By the way, Ed Mort's chronicles are very good and funny, but the movie is not so good. Paulo Betty is the perfect actor to bring Ed to life. "Mort. Ed Mort". Is very impressive and real. Is very hard to imagine Voltaire in the corner of the room, looking to Ed, laughing. Maybe, if a rat could laugh... Some things have to been said about the film. Who don't know Verissimo's work may think that he write only comedies. Is not true. Luis Fernando is son of Erico Verissimo, that was a great gaucho (in Brasil, who born in Rio Grande do Sul is called "gaucho") writer. Erico wrote many best-sellers, like "O Tempo e o Vento", "Gato Preto em Campo de Neve", "Incidente em Antares". Luis Fernando write texts for many Brazilian newspapers, like "Zero Hora" and "Jornal do Brasil". Created other good comedy characters, like "Analista de Bagé" and "Velhinha de Taubaté".