"David Kenyon" (Nick Mancuso) is a successful architect who has remarried after divorcing his first wife "Deidre Kenyon" (Yancy Butler) seven years earlier. His second wife "Molly" (Suzy Amis) is not aware that he had been married previously. Neither does she know that Deidre had been committed to a mental institution and has recently arrived back in New York with the desire to get her husband back--regardless of what it takes. Now, while other films like "Fatal Attraction" have already covered the "psychotic girlfriend/wife scenario" what makes this particular movie interesting is the performance of Yancy Butler. She was both hot and crazy. On the flip side though, there were a couple of scenes that simply went beyond the boundaries of realism and had me shaking my head in disbelief a couple of times. Only in Hollywood. That being the case I have rated this movie accordingly. Average.