Well, what can you say? Betrayed: A Story of Three Women is about as prototypical of a Lifetime movie as you could possibly expect. I'll try my best not to spoil all the details... but honestly, does it really matter? All of these story lines are essentially the same. Here's the scenario - an attractive middle-aged housewife has the perfect life... she's married to a wealthy, attractive and successful businessman, has two wonderful children and lives in a huge house in the middle of an upscale neighborhood. What else could you possibly ask for, right? Well, her perfect lifestyle comes to a screeching halt when she finds out that her husband is sleeping with her best friend's 20 year old daughter, who's home from college. And really, that's all the plot you need. Light the torches and start beating the war drums, because it's man-bashing time!
I'm not sure how many Lifetime masterpieces I've watched over the years, but I think it's safe to say that I can count the number of times ( on one finger ) where the doting housewife is actually the culprit and not the victim. More often that not, instead of heart-warming, positive films about love and relationships, we're always treated to the deepest, darkest fears of every American woman - her husband/boyfriend/uncle/brother/"insert your own male presence here" is a slime ball of the highest degree. Obviously, this is what women want to see, or else the network wouldn't keep churning this garbage out on a weekly basis. It's pathetic, really... and sad. In the movie, one of the characters points out that middle-aged husbands sleeping around with college girls, and best friends punching each other out at the supermarket is, "completely normal.. and just a part of every day life." Sorry, hon.. maybe it's considered normal behavior in Orange County, California but not where I reside.
The only people I could recommend this film to, are angry lesbians or desperate housewives who want to spend an afternoon sulking around the house and reconfirming their belief that men are scum.