What a delightful little surprise. The cast blends together in lively fashion without overdoing it, along with excellent pacing from director Bernds. Then too, the flick's from Columbia meaning there's more expertise behind the production than than the usual low-budget product.
So, can the Wallet family turn a broken-down diner into a real money-maker. Watch young entrepreneur Corky go at it, while also proving he's as talented as his successful older brother, Skeezix. Surely their names don't sound like businessmen, but then names aren't everything. And what a bunch of charming family girls (the boys' wives and sister) and note how everyone combines to convert the diner into a winner, despite the many temptations and drawbacks along the way. The question is: can they keep it.
It's a morale booster to see family and new friends pitching in whatever their initial misgivings. All in all, it's an excellent cast, both the leads (Beckett, Morrow, Lydon) and the supports (Brady, Wessel, et. Al.) who happily add both humor and grit. And catch the many humorous touches that spice up the story-line. I especially like Dad's limp tulip that appears to be growing atop his forehead, or pens that disappear at the last minute proving that even questionable skills can serve a higher purpose.
Anyhow, be sure to catch this little delight despite the obscurity. The chuckles remain, though I'm still wondering what the flick has to do with Gasoline Alley, a popular comic strip of of the time. Oh well, the likely box-office appeal was well placed, nevertheless.
In Passing - roadside diners were still popular for quick meals in the early '50's, but were soon replaced by drive-thru's like McDonalds. And thank goodness leaky fountain pens were soon replaced by reliable ball-points. That sure made my highschool years easier. Meanwhile time marches on, but our charming little flick can happily override those passing decades. So, my viewer's salute to both cast and crew.