It is safe to say that the American Revolution was the pinnacle of the Enlightenment. There, all the ideas the philosophes had proposed were put to the test. They passed the test. I don't mean to sound nationalistic to non-Americans, but I do feel this way.
We live in a very cynical time period. We are cynical about our governments, cynical about our past, and cynical about humanity in general. Yes, cynicism is good, but we should also keep in mind how far we have come. I am a history buff, yet I am going to say this: History needs its heros, for without them, it has no meaning to our inner selves. The documentary reminds us of how far we have come.
Yes, "Liberty: The American Revolution" could have had more facts in it, but that is minor. What amazes me is how it was able to show the ultimate goodness in the revolution, yet did so without making anyone a villain. The British are not shown as evil, just as being on the wrong side of history.
Another thing I liked was how the documentary had no dialogue that wasn't historically spoken. Everything the characters said was taken from letters, interviews, and so forth.
Yet I must say, my favorite part.......was the soundtrack. I bet you thought I was going to try to say something deep :) Well, it is true.