The most interesting thing about this movie to me is that I didn't recognize a single name on the cast or crew lists. Oh, I know I've seen co-lead Jenny Laird before; she had roles in BLACK NARCISSUS, VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED, and a key serial of the original DOCTOR WHO, "Planet of the Spiders". However, this is a real Quota Quickie, with a plot which the characters explain to each other in dialogue, so I would imagine she, like most of the cast, were not terribly expensive. The producer directed, the music only appears at key moments and the whole thing times out at 57 minutes.
Some plans have been stolen, and the agent who had recovered them for King and Country has been shot on a train. However, anticipating this, he managed to get off a note to Aubrey Pollock indicating that he has secreted them on Miss Laird. Mr. Pollock sends John Warwick to recover them. Warwick, in short order, ingratiates himself to Miss Laird, locks a couple of spies seeking the plans in their room and flees with Miss Laird, back to London for a denouement.
Director of Photography Stanley Grant -- best known, probably, for special effects in IN WHICH WE SERVE -- gets one tracking shot and some nice low-key lighting to strut his stuff. However, while this film is short enough to be tolerable, there's little here to make it terribly interesting on its own terms or because of where it fits into cinema's history.