As a loyal Laurien Dominique fan I was disappointed to see the poor setting for her talents displayed in misleading-titled BIKER SLAVEGIRLS.
Made as obvious filler, it revolves around bored (but glamorous) Marilyn (played by Dominique), masturbating on her bed as she watches porn videos on VHS. The images on the TV set are not meant to be interesting but just to pad the running time. Alpha Blue Archives revived it on one of the company's "rough" '70s megasets, but the presence of the home VCR equipment tags it as dating from the era following.
A phone call from her friend Stacy (attractive Starr Wood) cues a get-together, where Marilyn narrates past sexual experiences. One occurs with a seedy biker she met at a club, justifying (sort of) the film's pluralized title. The biker dominates her, chains her up and whips her. This fetishistic sequence, with him wearing leather chaps during sex, is probably the film's minor calling card.
Back in the present the two women have a lesbian sex scene, involving a double-dong dildo, and that's all she wrote. Overall, this feature film length junker plays like an extended loop.
The only funny and perhaps redeeming moment is when the girls decide to watch "Babysitter in Chains" on the VCR (we don't get to see it), and its soundtrack plays the theme from "Masterpiece Theatre". I'm sure Dan Aykroyd, with his perceptive SNL spoof routine based on pornographer B. Ron Elliott (Byron Mabe) hosting such a TV show would appreciate that gag.
Alpha Blue has also issued (on a Laurien Dominque three-fer) CALENDAR GIRL, a 1983 revamping of this film adding notably Erica Boyer to the cast. The format of Dominique & Starr watching porn on video permits this to become a loop carrier, running 75 minutes in the new version, with lengthy new loops starring Boyer and others. John Philips is credited as director on the new one.