Yatra was a TV series in the 1980s, based on Himsagar Express, the longest running train of Indian Railways, from Jammu to Kanyakumari, directed by Shyam Benegal, series is all about the long journey people cover by Train that included days and them sharing their slice of lives or experiences with. It's really interesting, thou the series were made more than 2 decades ago but the Life experiences according to me are somewhat similar in today's era. I've watched Mr. Bengal's Movies they are so interesting and real. I always learnt something new from his Art. He made Rajani, Tamas, Ek Ruka hua faisla which are so well directed and some of these were movies which were shown as part/episodes every week on Doordarshan.For me, the Shyam Benegal love started in the 80s with his lovely tele serial Yatra. It was an almost-anthology of tales set within the compartments of a train, journeying from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and back. It sketched the stories of the people who boarded the train in a few beautiful strokes - through their actions and interactions within the train compartment. Yes, it was brilliant film making, but more important to my masala-fed kiddie self, it was fun and interesting. It felt like I was really meeting all these people and getting to know them.