With all the craze over the Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz, people are so swept up in the hype that they don't know that there is another Gundam. Wing and Endless Waltz is an alternate Gundam universe, like when comics to the "what if" issue. 0083 has a collection of romance, action, politics, and amazing music and animation. The Japanese always try to put lots of little stories and elements into one thing. This makes it enjoyable for all. 0083 follows the original Gundam story line and the Gundams in the movie are more realistic than Wing. Wing has all these swords, blades and close combat weapons. But if you think about it Gundams are like big walking tanks. If you were to make a Gundam you would put guns, missiles, and long range weapons as opposed to swords. It starts of right away with test pilots and a secret mission then blasts off in to space. 0083 is a military based story with all of life's inconveniences. Like all anime you see the main character's problems and trials, but through it all you are bombarded with rock music and beautiful animation. The characters in 0083 don't sound like robots in Wing, they have more character and personality. And think about it, why would kids be driving Gundams? Let's get real, if you want Gundam for more mature people that takes a brain to understand it check out Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. The best so far.