Spoilers, but you really shouldn't be watching this anyway-
Now this was a lame movie. It jumps on the Die Hard 2 bandwagon eight years too late, featuring a plane full of characters we are supposed to care about getting into all sorts of bother during a storm.
The pilots, for a start, clearly don't have any qualifications as they don't seem to have the faintest clue how to cope in an emergency. Some guy with snazzy hair saves the day with the help of his selfish air traffic controller girlfriend, or wife, something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. Selfish because she abandons the control tower at the "climax" to see her husband/boyfriend land in the plane, even though there are others in the sky that could be crashing all over the place due to her incompetence. I hope she gets fired. Oh, and the plane is supposed to be flying with one wing, except in some bad CGI shots it isn't even damaged. Note to the director: Telling the SFX guys what you actually want them to do is always a good idea.
Also we have the World's Worst Stewardess who spends the first half of the film wandering through the aisle looking bored and reassuring passengers by saying "Oh no! We're going to crash!" (Or something although those lines) when something bad happens. The second half of the film she spends trying to stand up in the luggage compartment while looking for a passenger's satellite phone with no real sense of urgency even though the plane is missing a wing. And no-one bothers to check what she's doing when she doesn't turn up for ages. The mainly emotionless passengers are kept off screen besides some guy and a small boy who is gullible enough to think a plane can fly with one wing, however in this film they can, anyway.
At the end the guy with the snazzy hair helps land the plane in a impossibly stupid fashion, after which everyone stands round the plane celebrating even though the fuselage has been hit by lighting and could explode.
The good points? "The Abyss" is referenced.
Overall, it isn't as diabolical as "Airspeed" but you really should avoid this dreck at all costs.