The new adventures of He-man was a better sequel to the original series then She-Ra, which was done purely for commerce. This independent sequel was done as television art and entertainment that puts the final seal on the He-man legacy, as opposed to the banal 2002 revival when the era of He-man was long over. The series has its good points and its bad points which I will explain along with my final conclusion.
The Good
The story lines lines in the original were excellent but told with simplicity this series avoids that naive approach and makes the story lines more mature and complicated within the same child orientated theme without being wooden.
The character of Adam is mature and one that is realistic as a young prince rather then a young imbecile and is better represented in appearance though the long hair from the original is better both for the prince and his alter ego He-man.
The new allies of He-man are also better represented both as animation and as characters. The annoying pet Tiger and Orko from the series is gone reinforcing these strengths and better themes. He-man has more abilities with his sword similar to Lion O on Thundercats with his original strengths of speed and strength replacing Battlecat with something better.
The animation and image of the characters is also a much better improvement compared to the Filmation version. There is a space and science fiction element to it not just the fantasy and magical version of the original - This is what Thundercats got right as opposed to the original He-man.
The Bad
Unlike He-man and his alter ego Skeletor in the original series was better both as a character and the way he was represented especially his mannerisms, appearance and voice this Skeletor has no charm.
Besides Skeletor the mutants are just as bland and unlike his original Horde who had charm and appeal.
The adventures are set in the future this makes the source material somewhat irrelevant and strays from the original source to which the sequel should off stuck too. The music is also bland that with the opening sequence though looks good does not captivate the audience as a result.
In short a noble series and one that makes up for the weaknesses of the original and its excess sequels but however lacks its charm but thankfully lasted for 1 season and He-man ended for a long time.