We went to see this indy film based on a word of mouth recommendation and
were quite impressed! It is well acted, well written, well directed, well filmed, and a lot of fun. It starts with a good premise about a guy who makes training videos for his company. When he is threatened with losing his apartment unless he can come up with $10k fast, he allows himself to be talked into using the
company video facilities to make a porn film on the sly. Needless to say,
mayhem follows. But it's the clever way the mayhem unfolds and is handled
that makes this film a 'keeper.' There are dozens of hilarious little moments and a nice little love story here.
The cast is populated with actors I've never heard of or seen before, but there wasn't a bad performance in the whole crew. I especially liked the female lead - who I think has the talent and looks to make it big if this movie were to be seen by anybody.
It is a better movie by far than the great majority of major release retreads, sequels, and shoot-em-ups at the cineplex these days. However, it is enjoying a very limited release. I heard that it might go to Sundance. If so, that might get it picked up for more widespread distribution. If not, this clever little film might just die of obscurity. Too bad.