Okay, so he doesn't look like he did in the '50s. If you really want to see how Godzilla should be done, tune in to this series. This has some of everything: well-developed characters we can actually identify with, clever stories that will thrill you, make you laugh, and might even teach you a thing or two, and (of course) fantastic monster creations. In the past, Godzilla has been presented as being totally bent on destruction (IMHO) or has been reduced to last-minute save-the-day status (in the '70s Hanna-Barbera cartoons). Here he is an independently-thinking creature. Although he takes it upon himself to protect the HEAT team (and the planet), he is a monster first and foremost, with a huge appetite and unpredictable actions. After countless episodes, he is still a mystery. This series keeps my glued to the tube every time.