Somewhere between "Charlie's Angels" and a PG-13 (IMDb says it was rated R, but I can't imagine why) version of the Andy Sidaris "Bullets, Bombs and Babes" films, lies the "D.R.E.A.M Team".
The good points:
a) Angie Everhart, Traci Bingham and Eva Halina are all knockouts, easily as sexy as the three women who played Charlie's Angels in the 2000 and 2003 big-budget movies, if not more so.
b) Traci Lords is a perfect fit for the role of the bad girl.
c) There are some impressive stunts.
d) The locations (mostly Puerto Rico) are attractive.
e) For what seems to be a pilot for a TV series of the same name, this has a reasonably slick look.
The bad points:
a) The middle section is VERY SLOW, and has almost no action. Seeing the ladies in swimsuits is nice, but not enough to sustain interest for nearly an hour.
b) The long-anticipated fight scene between Angie Everhart and Traci Lords is strictly mediocre.
c) Bingham and Halina do next-to-nothing when it comes to action. We rarely get the chance to see the girls work as a team, as the title promises.
Overall, this is something of a disappointment, but if the TV series ever became available on DVD I'd be interested enough to check out a couple of episodes.
** out of 4.