Carrusel is timeless. The story of school children from various backgrounds, coming together and becoming friends. There's Cirilo, an African-Mexican, boy in love with Maria Joaquina, a selfcentered blond hair girl. David, a Jewish boy, in love with Valeria, Catholic girl. Carmen, a lonely girl, whose parents are breaking up, trying to keep her family together. Bibi, and American girl growing up in Mexico, trying to learn a different way of life. Jaime, the son of humble car mechanic, to big for his age. Jaime tries very hard to learn at school but is easily distructed. Miss Ximena, the teacher. She loves all the children and treats them as individuals.
You can now see "Carrusel" on Telefutura, (Starting 3/18/2002) daily at 7:00 AM.
You can see Ludwika Paleta on "Amigas & Rivales" on Univision, 7:00 PM, Daily.