I don't know how they manage to make it so bad. Every scene in the show goes exactly the same way. Actor walks in, regurgitates lines, reply from other actor, actor walks out. The actors aren't particularly bad, I've seen them in other stuff and they can act (sort of).
I can't say I could focus on the show long enough to pick up any plots, but what I've seen has been boring and painful. I do know one guy is dying of cancer at the moment, which you can only feel good about because all the actors play the worst of Dublin snobs that you just want to see die in the most horrible ways.
It's like going to visit your granny as a child and sitting in the middle of a group of old women talking about knitting, bunions or putting tea bags on their eyes. You just want to chew the table and pull your eyes out of your head.
On the plus side there may be adds on the other channels that provide better entertainment value than this half arsed tripe.