This film begins with 4 young men picking up a hitchhiker by the name of "Cindy Langely" (Laurie Tait Partridge) while on their way to a cabin out in the woods. However, rather than letting her off once they get to her requested destination, they all decide stop off at their cabin to relax and drink some beer instead. Eventually, one thing leads to another and, even though one of the men named "Charlie Johnson" (Anthony Holt) has been rather insistent about sleeping with her, she decides to spend the night with another man named "Steve" (Richard Gardner) who seems to be much nicer and has assured her that Charlie has passed out on the couch and won't disturb her anymore. Unfortunately, once Steve leaves her alone in the bedroom, Charlie and another man come in and rape her without Steve knowing anything about it. The next morning, Steve is told by Charlie that Cindy had left several hours earlier but, prior to that, she voluntarily had sex with Charlie as well. Although initially puzzled by this, Steve eventually takes Charlie's word for it and, after a couple of days in the cabin, they all return to their homes. Not long afterward, they are all indicted for rape--and that's when things get worse for all concerned. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that was a rather strange rape-revenge drama which suffered to a certain extent from its haphazard plot and all-around bad acting. Likewise, although it was supposedly produced in 1987, it has the look and feel of a film produced in the late-70's--or possibly the early-80's. I'm not sure why. In any case, I wasn't too impressed with this movie overall, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.