"The Radicals" is a most unusual movie. This is because there just aren't that many movies about the early Protestant Church...particularly their offshoot, the Anabaptists. It's obvious that the film had a relatively small budget, though there are a few familiar faces in the film, such as Mark Lenard and Christopher Neame.
The film begins just after the Reformation and much of the story is set in Protestant Switzerland. It mostly centers on the life of Michael Sattler...and early Anabaptist leader. Because they rejected infant baptism, taking up arms, and were in favor of individual understanding and faith, they were looked upon unfavorably by both the Catholics AND Protestants. The film is about his progression as an Anabaptist and the early Anabaptist movement.
The film does a very good job presenting the Anabaptist beliefs and early church history. Surprisingly, it also does a nice job technically speaking...with nice music and acting. Overall, even if you don't believe in many of the Anabaptist beliefs, it's a nice history lesson...and well made to boot.