A very enjoyable series from Granada, it spanned over two seasons, 1974 and 1975. Unusual and quite unique for one reason, the fact that it's the Village Hall itself that's the star of the show. Each episode shows how the Town Hall serves the community, and how it's used and abused by the locals.
I'd argue the first series is stronger than the second, but the general quality is very much there. Favourite episode for me comes in the first series, There'll Almost Always Be an England, where a gas leak forces the villagers to camp down in the Hall, under the watchful eye of the overpowering Mr Joyce (Bernard Hepton,) it is terrific.
Some marvellous performances throughout, including Patrick Troughton, George Cole, Ron Moody, Liz Smith and John Le Mesurier, the list of British character actors is endless.
Some may argue it's a little dated, and in some ways perhaps it is, Mrs Pankhurst would have a fit if she could see how some of the women are depicted. All in all though it's a wonderful series of unique plays.