I found a VHS copy of this movie at a thrift store for $2, and it looked absolutely ridiculous.
I was right-it is absolutely ridiculous. It's everything you would expect from a 1985 low budget ninja film (cheesy effects, bad voice overs, lack of plot, cheesy dialog, and a soundtrack full of Synth and wailing guitar solo's).
However, I was disappointed with the movie box. The cover features pictures of a ninja riding a dirt bike. No such thing was in the movie. Also, the narrative on the back of the box referenced "The Black Ninja Gang," infiltration "of the government's headquarters" to hold the members hostage, "The White Ninja," and an "evil that has plagued the city." Unfortunately, not one of these elements are in the movie.
However, I have recently watched this movie a second time, as it is a sure-fire way to provide a few cheesy-movie chuckles.