As uncomplicated as it is, this is really quite a sad and touching, yet certainly human, little movie. Its simple footage suggests the heart of so many of our problems with one another. These two cute babies are dressed nicely, and seem to have everything that they need, yet they start to quarrel.
The Lumière features usually show not only technical skill, but also quite a knack for selecting material that will make for worthwhile viewing in itself. This one is different in its content from most other Lumière features, but it is no different in packing some significant themes into a very short running time. Rather than showing innovation or action or motion, this movie brings out some things inside the two infants that are common to all of humanity.
The two babies ought to be happy, but whenever one person wants something that someone else has, it will always cause a problem. The two babies react to their conflict differently the more aggressive of the two seems to take most of it in stride, while the other baby seems terribly unhappy. All of these thoughts have obvious implications on a broader level.
Practically all of the early Lumière features offer reasons to watch that go beyond even their considerable historical value. This one, like many others, uses a simple situation to bring out some worthwhile thoughts.