I have to confess, I've seen this move over a thousand times. That's because, I have to confess some more, I made it. And, after seeing it so much, I can honestly say, it still doesn't bore me. If I did it again, I'd use fewer shots of the moon, but Jennifer Worthington (No relation to Producer Lori) is one of the hottest women on the face of the planet, and she looks great body painted as a naked cat/killer, and Colleen Van Ryn (Directly related to Rembrandt Van Rjn) is perhaps the sexiest redheaded elf-chick in the history of lust. The plot, what little there is of it, concerns a mostly naked girl who transforms into a ravenous she-cat (Body painted-did I mention naked? Completely?) for a few nights every month (Sound familiar?). This time she's stalking her lovely, naked most of the time, roommate. The twist ending is not so surprising as hoped for, what with two, count 'em, two lovely kittens rolling around on the floor. See this movie, alone or with your hand, but see it!