An Imaginative young boy called Tony who's dad is the town mayor, seems to get mistaken with a lot of things he sees. To cut a long story short no one believes him when he really does see a gun pointing out of a window as he uncovers a kidnap and ransom attempt on the commonwealth Prime Minister who is meeting his dad the town mayor. Any how the young boy saves the day with the help of his friends Mary and Martin, but is nearly tricked by a woman photographer known as Stella whom he befriends is also part of of the criminal operation. Its was nearly 25 years ago i last saw this film but thankfully I tracked it down online and obtained a copy. I did say I would love to see this film again but i doubt i ever will, but I have and it just brought me so much satisfaction sharing the film with my children. CFF films aren't shown on TV anymore. CBBC used to have a Friday film special for an hour in the 80's during its broom cupboard reign and broad-casted this film up to the late 1980's.