people keep commenting about this being a gay movie. i didn't think it was a gay movie. i could see how if you were gay, you could certainly relate to this movie, i would think anyone who has ever had a secret would relate. i'm not gay, but there are a lot of things about myself i dont really share with my parents. ideas and feelings that they just wouldn't understand. most of them deal with philosophy, religion and politics. parts of myself that i can't share with everyone because they aren't open to discussion. they are who i am. i don't care to change them and couldn't if i tried. this movie says a lot about relationships, and i think it's far more universal than who you might sleep with. people who desperately want to connect, but just won't allow themselves. anything that has ever made you feel different, or un-sure. anyway i thought this was a great movie. could have been about a gay man. could have been about a circus performer, could have been about any person who just wants to feel more connected. it certainly scratched an itch. great film. i hope the director makes others.