"The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog" has to be the funniest show around!!!! I mean, it's like, comedy all the way, baby!!!!! It's funnier than the ABC version, AND there are VERY funny catch phrases in them, like "I'm waaaaaiting!!!!", for example. Of course the animation was cheesy to some people.... but it's funny to watch!!!!! I like this show, because it's got SO many catch phrases, and every single episode makes me wanna laugh REALLY hard!!!!!! Besides, how many comedy lovers out there couldn't love this show???? It's like, REALLY FUNNY!!!!!! Here is a note to ALL you parents out there!!!! If you are looking for a comedy show for your kids to watch, I wouldn't recommend the ABC version, I would recommend THIS version. Your kids would love it. If they like the ABC version than this version or "Sonic Underground", that's fine with me!!!!! I'm just saying that your kids would love it, because of the episodes being funny AND those hilarious catch phrases!!!!!!! I would give this show an 98% (which is still a grade A), because half of it's got cheesy animation, but it's the funniest show around!!!!!